Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares



At Bede Community Primary School, science is a core curriculum subject that is crucial to our pupils’ understanding of the world, next steps, and future career aspirations. The National Curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics.
  • Develop an understanding of the nature, processes, and methods of science through different types of science inquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
  • Are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.

We want our pupils to be scientists and be able to predict, observe, describe, and experiment. We encourage our pupils to ‘have a go,’ talk scientifically, make links, and explain their thinking using science models.

At Bede Community Primary School, we ensure that these aims are developed through our curriculum. We intend to make lessons investigative, practical, and fun. We use both indoor and outdoor areas to their full potential, and cross-curricular links are also developed.

We intend for our teachers to be facilitators, supporting the pupils from Early Years to Year 6 with their natural curiosity about the world around them. The teachers observe and discuss alongside the pupils, feeding them with vocabulary and knowledge, helping them to make links in their learning journey.


To support a fully progressive curriculum, the foundations for learning science begin in Early Years through planned substantive/disciplinary knowledge and key vocabulary development that supports National Curriculum expectations. A strong emphasis on nature and outdoor learning in the Early Years is supported with our Forest school activities. Skilled staff support the early language development of the pupils, giving them opportunities to learn through new experiences. Pupils are taught to use science equipment (as appropriate) when investigating the world around them.

We use the ‘STEM Learning Solutions Science Curriculum’ to implement all aspects of science teaching in Key Stage 1 and 2. Through the National Curriculum for Science as a starting point, the scheme develops pupils’ knowledge through recalled and connected substantive knowledge. Science concepts are integral to teaching and learning. Learning is through dual objectives where content is developed alongside skills.

Each topic has a planning sequence, content objective, skill objective, and ideas to teach/model. The planning has links to previous learning and scientists linked to the topic. Key vocabulary is progressive and appropriate for each year group. Pupils are appropriately challenged through a sequential, coherent, and ambitious curriculum, dual objective teaching, effective questioning & activity, formative assessment approach, and addressing misconceptions quickly. Independent thinking and investigations are scaffolded and encouraged. Classroom displays support pupils’ knowledge, recall, and vocabulary development. Pupils record work in individual exercise books and floor books.

Explicit year group specific ‘Working Scientifically Skills’ are mapped across the curriculum and tracked for progress. Assessment (Data) looks at main areas of knowledge and understanding and working scientifically. Planning and assessment boards are used to make sure activities are appropriate. Assessments are recorded and monitored by the subject leader regularly and moderation meetings support accurate assessment and judgements.


The pupils at Bede Community Primary School build depth of knowledge through recalled, connected substantive knowledge, vocabulary expectations, a conceptual understanding of science (through a progressive use of science models), and a hands-on, investigatory approach to teaching. The pupils build connected substantive knowledge through having:

  • Secure prior knowledge and good conceptual understanding to link knowledge across the curriculum.
  • Experience of learning across topics/wider curriculum and scientific theory development using key scientists within the learning.

Pupils build key disciplinary knowledge & skills through focused/progressive Working Scientifically skill development through a range of Enquiry Types that help them to become increasingly independent and successful investigators.

Pupils are supported to understand the uses and implications of science, engage with current/future debates, and develop high Science Capital. This is linked to our Aspirations and Personal Development Curriculum.