Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares

Family Support Worker

My name is Tracy Anderson, I am Bede’s Family Support Worker and deputy safeguarding lead. Please be reassured, I may have safeguarding responsibilities within school, but I am not a social worker, nor am I working for social services. I work with our families and children to support them through the process of safeguarding where social services or early help are involved.


My job as Family Support Worker includes supporting our children and our families with anything they may need help with; in the past this has included filling in paperwork, applying for grants for household items or uniform, supplying food parcels to families and assisting families newly arrived in the area, or the country. I also carry out direct work with our children; this can be on a 1:1 basis with or within small groups. These sessions are mainly to work on friendships, building resilience and self-confidence, and working on our emotional wellbeing.


Think of me as the link between your family and school, if you need to talk to me, require support or would like to discuss something in confidence, please contact me on or 07702508780.


You can call, text or WhatsApp me but please note, my signal is not always great so I may not see your message immediately.


You will also find me in Buddy’s & Snoop’s Pawsome Emporium every day except a Wednesday, please pop in to introduce yourself.


Useful Websites

Children's Mental Health & Emotional Wellbeing:


 Felling Family Hub holds lots of different activities for adults/families and children; you will find more information here:

Felling Family Hub - Gateshead Council -


Below, is information for anyone living with neurodiversity; again, anything I can help with, please let me know.


Citizens Advice Drop-in Services