Stone Age Skills
In Literacy, this half term, we have been writing instructions on how to make animal skin clothes. We have been developing our range of vocabulary, the use of adverbs and have identified different types of sentences. We have also been learning about the different writers’ tools that we can use to make our work more exciting and have tried very hard to use them in our independent work. We also had great fun making our class poem. We created a kenning, which is like a riddle. Here’s one for you to read.
This term, in maths, we have been practising our times tables and using known facts to make links between multiplication and division. We have looked at multiplying two-digit numbers by a one-digit number and have used what we know about making things 10 times bigger to support our work. We have developed our estimating skills and can measure accurately using a ruler.
We have had a great history filled half term. We loved our Stone Age visitor, who explained what life was like 10,000 years ago and how life changed through the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Our favourite activity this half term was using clay to create our own stone age village. We had to work in a team, making sure we all we helped each other. We researched buildings and ruins that were built during the Stone Ages and have been learning how archaeologists use clues to find out about life in the past. After everything we have learned, I think we are all pleased to be living in 2024; class 3 would not like to have lived during the Stone Age at all!
Class 3 Aut 2 24