Gymnastics: Exploring Symmetry and Asymmetry
This half term, class 3 have been diving into the exciting world of gymnastics, and it's been an action-packed learning experience! They have been focusing on the concepts of symmetrical and asymmetrical movements in gymnastics, helping them develop both their physical skills and their understanding of how balance, form, and technique play a role in ‘excellent gymnastics’.
In gymnastics, symmetry refers to movements or positions where both sides of the body are balanced and mirror each other. On the other hand, asymmetrical movements are when one side of the body is different from the other.
Throughout the term, the children have been practicing both types of movements, and they’ve been enjoying the challenge of mastering them! In our lessons, they have worked with a partner to create symmetrical and asymmetrical sequences both on and off the equipment. They have considered how their bodies move and have worked hard to develop different types of gymnastic routines.
Class 3 Gymnastics Aut 2 24
The skills developed through these lessons—such as coordination, balance, and body control—are not only valuable in gymnastics but also have a lasting impact on other areas of physical development. I’m sure you’ll agree from the pictures, they did a great job!
- Mrs Lewis