Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares

A Heroic Start to Year 5

In Class 5 maths, we have been focusing upon place value and can compare and order numbers all the way up to one million! We have thoroughly enjoyed playing ‘Place Value’ UNO against our teachers, and have used our mathematical knowledge to compare larger numbers.

In literacy, we have been developing our use of vocabulary, using a range of adjectives to describe both setting and new characters from our class book ‘The Odyssey’. We can’t wait to continue reading this story and learning about the grand adventures of Odysseus and his great escape from a man-eating Cyclops!

We have had a really exciting history filled few first weeks. We have loved exploring the fantastic world of Ancient Greece, and diving head first into historical research of events during this time!

I have been super impressed by the children in Class 5 during their swimming lessons so far and amazed by the courage, bravery and perseverance of every single child. Well done Class 5!