Bede Community Primary School

Everybody learns, everybody cares

Super Learning Powers

Our 'Super Learning Powers' are essential behaviours we cultivate in children to enhance their learning outcomes and equip them with lifelong attitudes and skills. Each power, represented by an animal character with a backstory, helps children understand and embody behaviours like bravery and cooperation. These powers are integrated into lessons and discussions to foster positive attitudes towards learning and each other.

We use positive and supportive approaches to behaviour management, focusing on addressing underlying issues rather than just correcting behaviour. These efforts are aligned with our termly 'Wonderful Me' assessments, where children reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement. We emphasize that everyone can develop these powers regardless of academic level, fostering resilience and a growth mindset.

Children earn certificates for demonstrating these powers, encouraging continuous growth and positive behaviour. Our approach, grounded in research, aims to prepare children to navigate challenges effectively and achieve personal and academic success.



Meet the Characters

The Brave Bear


Are you a 'Brave Bear'?

Can you show bravery in any of these ways:

  • I can recognise when I am not feeling brave and am a little worried about something
  • I can explain how I feel and why I am afraid
  • I can talk about what might happen in situations that scare me and recognise how likely my fears are to happen
  • I can try to do things independently after I have been shown how
  • I can have a go at something new
  • I can make mistakes and recognise ways that they help me to learn
  • I use my mistakes to become better
  • I am excited to try new things
  • I have a positive attitude and want to explore the world and the different things in it
  • I can use my own feelings to decide things. I don’t just follow what others say or do
  • I can tell the truth even though my voice shakes, and I feel afraid.
  • I support and look after others who are not feeling brave or who are unhappy
  • I can influence and lead others to be brave too


Listen to how 'Brave Bear' got his name here:

Be an ambassador for bravery!

The Concentrating Clownfish


Are you a 'Concentrating Clownfish'?

Can you show concentration in any of these ways:

  •  I give all of my attention to the thing I am trying to focus upon.
  • I can recognise what stops me from concentrating.
  • I know how to take no notice of the distractions around me or how to avoid them.
  • I know what will help me to concentrate and how I need to organise myself so that I can concentrate more easily.
  • I choose to ignore things or people around me that disturb my concentration.
  • I practice good habits that will help me to concentrate and remember things. These include getting plenty of sleep, staying well hydrated, controlling my breathing, exercising, eating healthily and getting good, fresh air.
  • I give myself regular breaks to refresh my brain.
  • I think about and understand how concentrating can help me to make progress.


Listen to how 'Concentrating Clownfish' got her name here:


Be an ambassador for concentration!

The Positive Penguin


Are you a 'Positive Penguin'?

Can you show positivity in any of these ways:

  • I can make sure I don’t moan about things
  • I can recognise the good things around me and be thankful for them
  • I can look at things I don’t like too much and see the good things about them
  • I can talk about the things that make me feel happy
  • I can talk about the things I think are good about myself
  • I can accept that bad things happen to me and that though I might feel sad for a while, I can see that good things happen too
  • I can see why I have to work hard at things and can think of the bright things that might happen because I do
  • I can make the most of bad times and recognise what they might teach me
  • I can enjoy doing well and celebrate my successes, but I can also be a graceful loser
  • I can enjoy seeing others being successful and celebrate their success too
  • I can influence and lead others to enjoy things too


Listen to how 'Positive Penguin' got his name here:

Be an ambassador for positivity!

The Co-operative Cat

Are you a 'Co-operative Cat'?

Can you show co-operation in any of these ways:

  • I can play and work with other people nicely.
  • I make other people happy to be around me.
  • I can work with other people to achieve a goal.
  • I can share my ideas with other people.
  • I can listen to other people’s ideas and recognise when they are better than mine.
  • I show a team spirit and will do the best for my team even when it’s not always what I want to do.
  • I care about other people’s feelings and will help them to feel that they are important and belong to the group.
  • I think about what will make other people happy as much as what makes me happy when I play with others.
  • I accept that other people are different to me and I do things their way sometimes too without complaining.
  • I happily do my part when I work in a group and I don’t leave jobs to others.
  • I keep the classroom tidy and put things away well so that everyone can use them.
  • Even when I am not keen on someone, I recognise that they have something positive to give and I try to help them shine when we work or play together.
  • I can influence others to be better team members and to cooperate well too.


Listen to how 'Co-operative Cat' got his name here:

Be an ambassador for co-operation!

The Curious Camel


Are you a 'Curious Camel'?

Can you show curiosity in any of these ways:

  • I can listen to others without judging them because I want to learn
  • I am supportive of other people’s ideas because I am interested in what people think
  • I can ask lots of questions to help me understand things better
  • I pay attention to others so that I really know what’s been said and can understand their point of view.
  • I am happy to test things out to see what works best
  • I don’t get too upset when something I have tried goes wrong.
  • I learn from my mistakes.
  • I’m not afraid to say that I don’t know something.
  • I listen to advice that will help me to improve.
  • I am excited about the things that I might be able to do.
  • I am happy to try new things and to keep having a go
  • I like exploring the unknown and finding out new things
  • I give my full attention to whatever I am doing so that I really understand.
  • I can usually find something to do for myself and don’t get allow myself to feel bored.
  • I put in the time and effort to improve and am happy to have to work hard to move on and see results.


Listen to how 'Curious Camel' got his name here:

Be an ambassador for curiosity!

The Perseverant Pug


Are you a 'Perseverant Pug'?

Can you show perseverance in any of these ways:

  • I can give things a go with support from someone I trust
  • I can try to improve something that I have done
  • I can say how something I have done could be better and remember it to help me next time
  • I can give things a go independently
  • I can push myself to try hard at something that I am finding tricky
  • I can accept that I make mistakes or fail and not let that put me off
  • I can listen to feedback and use it to help me improve
  • I recognise the feelings that come with ‘persevering’
  • I can make positive choices about my feelings and try not to fall into negative habits
  • I can recognise my successes in persevering and celebrate them
  • I recognise when others find persevering hard and behave in a way that encourages others to persevere


Listen to how 'Perseverant Pug' got her name here:

Be an ambassador for perseverance!

The Imaginative Iguana


Are you an 'Imaginative Iguana'?

Can you show imagination in any of these ways:

  • I can think about things that I have done in the past and change them a little to do something new.
  • I can listen to new ideas and give them a try.
  • I don’t always stick to what I know just because I want to feel safe.
  • I can manage to give my full attention to something that needs me to think about it.
  • I reflect on how I might have done things better and come up with different ideas to try next time.
  • I listen to advice and use good ideas that I see around me.
  • I feel confident taking part in creative subjects like art and design technology, where I have to make things.
  • I can cope with failing; it doesn’t stop me from trying again.
  • I often have my own ideas about things we have talked about in class.
  • I can usually find something to do for myself and don’t allow myself to feel bored.
  • I think up things that my friends and I might do.
  • If friends are arguing, I can often come up with a way that might help to make it alright.
  • I think about things for myself before I ask for help from others.


Listen to how 'Imaginative Iguana' got his name here:

Be an ambassador for imagination!

The Progress Pig


Are you a 'Progress Pig'?

Can you show progress in any of these ways:

  •  I can recognise that I am not as worried as I used to be about things.
  • I can see that I am more able to control how I react to things that don’t make me feel good.
  • I am getting better at making good choices that will help me to do well.
  • I am learning to deal with my mistakes, and I am beginning to use them to do better next time.
  • When I look back, I can see that I can do more things now than I used to be able to do and can tell you what some of those things are.
  • When I look back, I can see that I know more things now than I used to know and can tell you what some of those things are.
  • When I look at my books, I can see that my work is improving, and I can tell people about what has improved and how it has improved.
  • When I think about how I used to be last week, last month, last year, I can see that I am growing and developing into a person with many wonderful qualities, attributes and talents that can keep getting even better if I continue to work on them.


Listen to how 'Progress Pig' got his name here:


Be an ambassador for progress!